(Bi-Monthly) 15th December 2024
To submit news & info to PPN: Email ppn@galwaycoco.ie & write "PPN Newsletter" in the subject. News Submissions Deadline: One Week Before Each Newsletter Issue. Newsletters are usually issued twice a month - the week of the 1st & 15th of Each Month. What to Submit: approx. 50 words, contact info, link to read more, (optional) poster in png/jpg format. News must be relevant to PPN Members / Community Groups / Non-Profits in County Galway.
PPN News
Council & Government News
Consultations & Public Engagement
Funding & Grants
Training & Development
An Cúinne Gaeilge (Irish Corner)
Supports & Resources
Notice Board / Events
When a group registers it becomes part of the Galway County PPN Structure. Registration is easy and free of charge! Registered groups receive regular updates, information on funding opportunities and also benefit from advertising their own community activities free of charge.
Register now: https://www.galwaycountyppn.ie/registration-form/
From Department of Rural and Community Development Public Participation Networks latest news - read more HERE.
An updated edition of a resource guide aimed at ensuring that marginalised and disadvantaged communities have opportunities to participate in local planning and decision-making has been launched. 'A Guide for Inclusive Community Engagement in Local Planning and Decision Making' Read more HERE. Digital Version of the Guide is HERE.
Council & Government News
Galway County Council Plenary Meeting is taking place on Monday 16th December 2024
County Council Parking Concessions Christmas 2024 Lacáistí Páirceála Chomhairle Chontae na Gaillimhe Nollaig 2024
From Sunday 8th to Tuesday 31st December 2024 - From 11am each day
Free on and off-street parking in the towns of Ballinasloe, Loughrea, Tuam, Clifden, Cleggan, Athenry and Gort. Páirceáil saor in aisce ar an tsráid agus as an tsráid i mbailte Bhéal Átha na Sluaighe, Baile Locha Riach, Tuaim, An Clochán, An Cloigeann, Baile Átha an Rí agus an Gort.
120 Public Green Spaces Win Green Flag Awards for Ireland! Gradaim an Bhrait Ghlais buaite ag 120 Spás Poiblí Glas d’Éirinn!
The 2024 Green Flag Awards, announced by An Taisce Environmental Education, celebrate Ireland's best parks and green spaces. With 120 awards, Ireland leads the EU in high-quality public green spaces. The Palace Grounds in Tuam has proudly retained its Green Flag for the 4th consecutive year and received Green Heritage Site Accreditation. This unique public park not only harbors wildlife and reinforces biodiversity but also offers a tranquil space for the community. Thanks to the hard work of local groups, including Tuam Women’s Shed, Tuam Men’s Shed, and Tuam Tidy Towns, our park is a shining example of community collaboration and environmental stewardship.
Déanann Gradaim an Bhrait Ghlais 2024, arna bhfógairt ag Oideachas Comhshaoil de chuid An Taisce, ceiliúradh ar na páirceanna agus na spásanna glasa is fearr in Éirinn. Le 120 gradam, tá Éire chun tosaigh ar an AE maidir le spásanna glasa poiblí ar ardchaighdeán. Choinnigh Fearann an Pháláis i dTuaim a Brat Glas don 4ú bliain as a chéile agus tá Creidiúnú Láithreáin Oidhreachta Glas faighte aige. Ní hamháin go gcoinníonn an pháirc phoiblí uathúil seo fiadhúlra agus neartaíonn sé bithéagsúlacht ach cuireann sé spás suaimhneach ar fáil don phobal freisin. A bhuíochas le dianobair na ngrúpaí áitiúla, lena n-áirítear Bothán na mBan i dTuaim, Bothán na bhFear i dTuaim, agus Bailte Slachtmhara Thuama, is sampla iontach í ár bpáirc de chomhoibriú pobail agus de mhaoirseacht comhshaoil.
The WEEE Ireland Schools Battery Recycling Competition 2024-2025
Closing date: Friday 11th April 2025
To enter the Schools Battery Recycling Competition and be in with a change to win one of 6 €2,000 sports equipment vouchers, your challenge is to collect as many batteries as you can and recycle them with WEEE Ireland. Recycling batteries can contribute to your school’s Sustainable Development Goals and Green Schools work, as well as supporting Laura Lynn, Ireland’s Children’s Hospice. How many boxes can your school fill? The WEEE Ireland Schools Battery Recycling Competition is open for entries from 30th September 2024 to 11th April 2025 and is open to all primary and secondary schools in Co. Galway that collect at least 10 5kg Battery Boxes.
See WEEE Ireland Schools Battery Recycling Competition for full details.
Free Vape & E Cigarette Device Recycling
Did you know that disposable, single-use, and rechargeable vape and/or e-cigarette devices can be recycled for free wherever you see WEEE Ireland Blue Battery Boxes. See more HERE
Stop Illegal Dumping!! - Cuir Stop le Dumpáil Mhídhleathach!!
Report illegal dumping in County Galway to 091-509510 or email environment@galwaycoco.ie and it will be followed up and investigated thoroughly.
Tuairiscigh dumpáil mhídhleathach i gCo. na Gaillimhe chuig an uimhir 091-509510, nó seol ríomhphost chuig environment@galwaycoco.ie agus déanfar an scéal a fhiosrú.
Department of Rural and Community Development
A Guide for Inclusive Community Engagement in Local Planning and Decision Making
An updated edition of a resource guide aimed at ensuring that marginalised and disadvantaged communities have opportunities to participate in local planning and decision-making has been launched. Read more HERE
Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth
Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications
Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage
Department of Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media
Consultations & Public Engagement
Thursday 23rd of January 2025 - 12:00pm -1:30pm or 7:00pm - 8:30pm Irish Workhouse Centre, St. Brigid’s Road, Portumna, Co. Galway, H53EK74
OBFA Architects have been appointed by Galway County Council to produce the Portumna Town Trail Map and Strategy by March 2025. Come along to the workshops, and share your ideas for Portumna in the years ahead. No registration required. For further queries please contact office@obfa.ie
Changes and Challenges in a Heritage Landscape
UCD Septic Tank System User Survey
Seeking domestic wastewater treatment system users in Galway: do you live in a house using a septic tank or packaged treatment system? If so, you are invited to participate in an anonymised online survey about system management. Your knowledge/views towards household system maintenance will help aid policy change and design of supports for system users nationwide! If you are interested and/or would like more information, please click HERE The survey takes 10-15 minutes to complete and can be accessed via the following link: https://eu.surveymonkey.com/r/remarcsurvey
More Consultations from Galway County Council HERE
Renewable Transport Fuel Policy 2025-2027
The closing date for submissions is Friday 17th January 2025
This consultation concerns the next iteration of the Renewable Transport Fuel Policy 2025-2027, involving the transition to renewable energy in transport and setting out a policy pathway for delivery of the 2030 transport targets set out in the Climate Action Plan as agreed by Government as well as the targets and requirements under the European Renewable Energy Directive. Responses will be reviewed by the Climate Adaptation, Research, and Energy Division of the Department of Transport to inform the development of the Renewable Transport Fuels Policy 2025-2027.
More info HERE Submissions may be made: Via our online form By email to: rtfp@transport.gov.ie
Submit your sightings before February 2025
During our survey, 747 Irish stoat sightings have been verified across Ireland! Can we reach 800 before the survey ends? Submit your sightings before February 2025! More info HERE
Submission deadline: February 2025
There are plenty of reasons to take part in the BirdWatch Ireland Irish Garden Bird Survey this winter. ♦Increase your knowledge of Ireland’s bird species ♦Contribute to an important, growing body of data that helps us to better understand how birds in Ireland are faring ♦Stay connected with nature during the colder winter months ♦Participate in a fun and free activity that all of the family can get involved in
What’s involved? Between December and February each year, we ask members of the public to keep note of the highest number of each bird species visiting their garden every week. We also ask for information on the size of the garden being surveyed, the kinds of food, if any, being offered to the birds, and so on. Taking part is fun, easy and an ideal way to get to know your garden birds better; it also makes an ideal school project. To learn more about it and get involved, see HERE
Youth Climate Justice Survey 2024
The Youth Climate Justice Survey is part of the Youth Climate Advocate Programme implemented by ECO-UNESCO in partnership with Feachtas, Irish Girl Guides, Poppintree, The no name! Club and Young Irish Filmmakers. We want to learn how you would like to get involved, the challenges you face, and which aspects you think are most important to address when it comes to climate change and environmental issues. Your responses will help us inform relevant stakeholders at a National and local level about young people's priorities on climate change and climate justice, together with shaping our future work as an organisation. At the end of the survey you will have the possibility to enter a draw for a prize by submitting your email address. Take the survey here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/3PT8X6W
Just Transition Research Survey
The UCD Just Transition Research Group (JTRG) is exploring how to ensure a fair shift to a low-carbon society. If you're involved in any project at the intersection between climate action and social justice, whether in professionally or voluntarily, we would greatly appreciate your insight!
Please take 15-20 minutes to complete our survey: https://ucdbusiness.eu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_0iireGTQ6OQKpJc. Your input will help us understand how best to implement a Just Transition across Ireland. All responses are anonymised. More info HERE
More Consultations from Government HERE
BHIS Historic Thatch Scheme Thatch 2025
Deadline for submissions: Friday 3rd of January 2025.at 5:00pm
The purpose of the scheme is to protect the heritage value of historic thatched roof buildings across Ireland, including dwellings and other structures. Any historic thatched structure built before 1970, including domestic or commercial properties, is eligible to apply for grant funding under this scheme. Completed applications must be submitted no later than 5PM, FRIDAY the 3rd OF JANUARY 2025 to conservationofficer@galwaycoco.ie
Full details of the scheme, including relevant documentation, may be found below: https://www.galway.ie/en/services/planning/archcon/grants/
Rethink Ireland - Breaking Barriers Fund to Tackle Discrimination and Inequality
Deadline: Friday 10th January 2025
Rethink Ireland, in partnership with State Street and the Department of Rural and Community Development, has launched the €1.37 million Breaking Barriers Fund to support projects and organisations tackling discrimination and inequality in education and employment. Not-for-profit organisations that provide greater access and opportunity to education and employability for people of different ethnic backgrounds, migrants, refugees, and the Traveller community can apply for this new fund. More info HERE Eligible organisations across Ireland are encouraged to apply through the Breaking Barriers Fund page by 10 January 2025.
SSE Airtricity Generation Green Community Fund
Deadline: Friday 10th January 2025
The SSE Airtricity Generation Green Community Fund has been established to support communities across the island of Ireland in their journey towards sustainability. The fund is designed to empower local communities to take an active role in the Green Transition—a collective shift toward greener, more sustainable living. The Generation Green Community Fund is open to a wide range of groups – whether projects are part of a grassroots organisation working on environmental awareness, a school looking to integrate sustainability into the curriculum, or a social enterprise creating green solutions, this fund is here to support their vision. More info HERE https://www.sseairtricity.com/communityfund
Outdoor Recreation Infrastructure Scheme (ORIS) 2024/2025 has been launched!
The Outdoor Recreation Infrastructure Scheme 2024/2025 has been Launched! Applications are invited as follows:
Advisory Notice - ORIS Project]
Advisory notice for all Groups considering submitting applications under the Outdoor Recreation Infrastructure Scheme. Measures - M1, M2, M3. More info can be found HERE
Please Note: This scheme has not been launched as yet for this year. It will be circulated through this Network when it is launched by the Department.
Erasmus+ Adult Education - Info Session
Thursday 16th January 2025 - 12:00 - 13:00 - Online
Information Session to find out about funding opportunities for European projects for Adult & Community education organisations.
To register: Thu 16 Jan 2025 at 12:00
Interreg North-West Europe - Call 5
Deadline: Thursday 16th January 2025 at 12:00pm Brussels time
The Interreg North-West Europe (NWE) Programme fosters transnational cooperation to make Northwestern Europe a key economic player and an attractive place to work and live, with high levels of innovation, sustainability and cohesion. Aims & Objectives: The Interreg NWE Programme is part of the European Territorial Cooperation Objective supported by the European Regional Development Fund.
Seven countries belong to the Interreg North-West Europe Programme area: Belgium, France, Germany, Ireland, Luxembourg, The Netherlands and Switzerland. What does it support? The Interreg North-West Europe Programme for 2021-2027 focusses on five main funding priorities or themes: ♦Climate and environment ♦Energy transition ♦Circular Economy ♦Innovation and resilience ♦Inclusive society
A wide range of public and private (non-profit and profit making) organisations are welcomed to take part in NWE project partnerships including national, regional and local authorities, universities, Research & Development centres, SMEs and business support organisations (BSOs), sectoral associations, NGOs, lobby organisations and citizens groups.
More info HERE Application link: https://www.nweurope.eu/call-5
EUROPEAN COMMISSION: Call for proposals to support a comprehensive, prevention-oriented approach to mental health in the Union
Deadline: Wednesday 22nd January 2025 at 5:00pm Brussels time
The expected results of this action are an improved and accelerated move towards the development and implementation of a comprehensive approach to mental health, including in areas such as mental health promotion and prevention, better and earlier detection, and interventions to tackle mental health issues, access to innovative approaches to managing mental health conditions in communities, and quality of life of patients and their families/(in)formal carers in the Member States. More info HERE
Community Support Schemes 2025 - Grant Applications
Closing Date for receipt of completed applications is Friday 24th January 2025 at 4pm
Applications are invited from Community and Voluntary Groups for funding towards activities and events which benefit local communities throughout the County and support sustainable economic, community, and cultural development. Support Scheme for Economic Development: Tourism Events and Festivals; Economic Development Initiatives. Support Scheme for Community Development: Community Amenities; Tidy Towns Activities in Public Spaces. Support Scheme for Cultural Development: Arts Act Grants; Heritage Grants; Irish Language Promotional Activities. Applicants may submit a maximum of 1 application per Support Scheme. Applicants should apply via our online grants system at https://galwaycoco.submit.com/ with the exception of grant applications for Irish Language Promotional Activities which are available from gaeilge@cocogaillimh.ie
Creative Ireland Open Call 2025: Application
Closing Date for receipt of completed applications is Friday 24th January 2025 at 4pm
The key objective of this open call is to offer community groups, organisations, venues, artists, performers and everyone involved in the culture and creative sectors an opportunity to develop high quality projects/programmes that enable groups and individuals to realise their full potential and encourage greater access, knowledge and appreciation of the arts, creative industries, heritage and the Irish language.
We encourage communities to engage with creativity in new and innovative ways. We welcome applications from groups who have not previously engaged with Creative Ireland. More info at https://galwaycoco.submit.com/show/83
Online Information Sessions will take place on Thursday January 9th at 1pm and 7pm and Thursday January 16th at 1pm and 7pm. To register email creativeireland@galwaycoco.ie
National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) Peatlands and Natura Community Engagement Scheme 2025
The closing date for submission of applications is Friday 24th January 2025.
Great opportunity for communities right across County Galway National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) Peatlands and Natura Community Engagement Scheme. Applications are being invited across a diverse range of initiatives with a community benefit including: events, education programmes, promotions, publications, exhibitions, development of conservation management plans, public amenity and recreational measures, maintenance measures that support conservation measures, monitoring or surveying work to inform of restoration/conservation projects, invasive species and fire control measures, anti-littering initiatives to local environmental improvements in the area of the designated sites and other peatland areas. Successful applicants for this year’s assistance will be awarded funding to support a maximum of 80% of the project's eligible costs, with a maximum grant of €40,000 for Natura 2000 designated sites and up to €20,000 for Non-Natura 2000 peatland sites. Further details of the scheme are available on the NPWS website: https://www.npws.ie/peatlands-and-turf-cutting/peatlands-and-natura-community-engagement-scheme-2025
Heritage Organisations Support Fund
The closing date for applications is Monday, 27th of January 2025 at 5pm
Community Monuments Fund 2025
Information Workshop: 18th December 2024 at 10am Online via ZOOM Closing Date is Friday 31st January 2025
Galway County Council in conjunction with the National Monuments Service, Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage are inviting applications for the Community Monuments Fund 2025. The grant scheme offers funding for the conservation, maintenance, protection and presentation of archaeological monuments. Applications from landowners, custodians and community groups within the County of Galway must be completed and forwarded in Word Format to heritage@galwaycoco.ie, Subject Line CMF2025(+Project Name) by 31st January 2025. Applications received after this date will not be considered. Private applicants or community groups who are the owners or custodians of monuments may apply.
More info HERE CMF25 Application Form & Handbook
Join us on ZOOM December 18th 2024 at 10am if you propose to apply for Community Monuments Funding 2025. We will go through the application form and answer any queries you may have.
Bígí linn ar ZOOM 18 Nollaig 2024 10 a chlog, má tá sé beartaithe agat cur isteach ar Mhaoiniú Séadchomharthaí Pobail 2025. Rachaimid tríd an bhfoirm and freagróimid aon cheisteanna atá agat.
Link to Join Zoom Meeting / Bígí linn: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83451256031?pwd=RTqx5YYX0YRjhkR0Qq2OIk6tMjtT8q.1
Meeting ID: 834 5125 6031 Passcode: 032316
For further advice for applications in the County of Galway please contact: Bernie Doherty, Galway Community Archaeologist g.c.archaeology@gmail.com 086 100 3888 Marie Mannion, Galway County Heritage Officer mmannion@galwaycoco.ie 087 908 8373 Ann Marie Cusack, Architectural Conservation Officer amcusack@galwaycoco.ie 091 378 924
Training Links - powered by The Wheel
Deadline for applications is Friday 7th February 2025 at 5:00pm
The Wheel’s Training Links funds and supports networks of community and voluntary organisations to undertake training together. Training Networks are invited to apply for grants ranging from €10,000.00 to €50,000.00. There is a total fund of €575,000.00 available and applications are welcome from new, existing, previously funded networks who have completed their programme or previously unsuccessful networks. More info and documents for application: https://www.wheel.ie/training/traininglinks
Rural Regeneration and Development Fund
Deadline for submission of applications is Friday 14th March 2025
The Rural Regeneration and Development Fund (RRDF) is a key capital investment scheme which directly supports the objectives of Our Rural Future and the Town Centre First policy. The RRDF is targeted at settlements and rural areas with fewer than 10,000 people which are located outside the five city metropolitan areas (based on the 2022 census). The fund supports coordinated and integrated projects between government departments, State agencies, local authorities, other public bodies, communities and, where appropriate, philanthropic funders and/or the private sector, which will have an impact on sustainable economic and social development in rural areas. Proposals are invited from Local Authorities, and other locally/regionally based organisations, such as Local Development Companies, as well as government departments and State agencies. The deadline for submission of applications is 14th March 2025.
More info HERE
The Hybrid Social Finance Loan - Round 3
This open call is on a rolling basis, it will remain open until all awards are allocated.
The Hybrid Social Finance Loan is a new financial instrument in Ireland that aims to support social enterprises to develop a credit record and enhance their financial sustainability. It provides a mix of a loan that must be paid back (interest rate applicable), along with a non-repayable loan (cash support) and business supports. To be eligible, social enterprises must be first-time borrowers and meet all eligibility criteria. The project must address a critical social or environmental issue; it must be based on the island of Ireland and make its main impact in the Republic of Ireland; Applicants must come from an entity that has a not-for-profit legal form, e.g. a company limited by guarantee, a trust, a co-operative or other not-for-profit legal forms. The initiative is led by Rethink Ireland, Community Finance Ireland and the Department of Rural and Community Development via the Dormant Accounts Fund. The Department has committed €890,000 for this Fund. In addition, Community Finance Ireland will provide approximately €500,000 in repayable loans. More info HERE
SEAI - Home energy upgrade for traditional homes - Pilot Grant Scheme
SEAI has recently launched a pilot grant scheme for the energy upgrading of traditional houses. Whether your home is a stone-built cottage, a heritage home, or constructed before modern building standards, you can receive home energy grants to support energy upgrades for your home. This pilot seeks to gain a detailed understanding of the technical aspects, materials, products, and associated costs with the solutions required for traditional homes. The pilot will provide tailored solutions for your traditional home and the upgrade options include all the technologies available to modern homes; roof insulation, wall insulation, floor insulation, windows & doors, ventilation, renewable heating (heat pumps), solar thermal, solar PV.
See more info HERE
Our Associate Club Programme is designed to support clubs and organisations that promote and facilitate sports for individuals with vision impairments. More info can be found HERE
The Housing Adaptation Grant for People with a Disability is a grant for people with a physical, sensory, mental health or intellectual disability. It provides funding so you can improve how you enter and move around your home.
Read More HERE
Housing Aid for Older People
Housing Aid for Older People - Read more HERE
Housing Adaptation Grant - Read more HERE
More Funding from Galway County Council
More Funding from the Government of Ireland
More Funding from the European Union
Online English Conversation Group
Thursday 19th December 2024 17:30 - 19:00 Online via Zoom
This is a youth-led online English conversation group for Ukrainians aged between 18 and 24 years old who would like to practice their English from the comfort of their home without challenging the Galway rain.
Each online session is shaped based on the needs of the attendants and it will involve informal and formal English practice, skills sharing and workshops on digital skills and CV writing. The group will meet in-person once every six weeks.
To register contact Alessandra: alessandra.lagioia@youthworkgalway.ie - 086 199 3308.
Deadline: Wednesday 1st January 2025 at Midnight.
We are excited to announce that the online application for the FoodCloud Academy Grant is now open. This grant covers the fees for members of your organisation to enrol with Atlantic Technological University and take any of the following courses in the New Year (the semester runs from January - May) :
For more information about the course and eligibility requirements for the FoodCloud Academy Grant, please refer to our promotional flyer or email us at foodcloudacademy@foodcloud.ie with any questions.
Environmental Sustainability Awareness (part-time - 444248)
Start Date 07/01/2025 - End Date 12/04/2025 - Further Education & Training Centre,Tuam Road, Galway
This 14-week course has been designed to help you develop your awareness of the impacts of environmental change and the key sustainable practices that you can take both in your personal life and in your community. Through a series of classes and workshops you will develop your knowledge of climate change, energy management, sustainable food practices, sustainable consumption, biodiversity and greening initiatives culminating in the production of a personal Environmental Action Plan. More info HERE Contact: Ann McCormack 091 566 885 fetc@gretb.ie
Friday 17th January 2024 - Harbour Hotel, Galway MORE INFORMATION: MMOONEN@REDCROSS.IE
MenoWell Programme for Women
Starting Monday 20th January 2025 at 1:00pm - Online
Join our MenoWell Galway programme! This is a 6-week online evidence-based exercise, nutrition, and health education programme promoting wellness for women in all stages of adult life. For more information and to sign up please click here: https://edufit.ie/menowell-galway/
Grant Writing Tips and Tricks
Friday 21th March 2025 – 10:00am to 11:30am - Online via Zoom - Free members-only event
Empowering Communities Programme - Ballinasloe Region
The new Empowering Communities Programme aims to empower local communities to craft their own responses to area based poverty, social exclusion and the resulting consequences. This programme will initially be targeted in the Ballinasloe region.
The aim is to enhance the Citizens’ voices in Ballinasloe and allow others to have their voice heard for the first time. We hope to identify areas of overlap and gaps in services that we can then try to close collectively. This will be a people-focused, capacity building and collaborative effort.
Having the voice of the community both empowered and engaged will help to ensure this initiative has a sustainable future. There is a significant body of work to be done in developing and facilitating relationships between the local community and other relevant stakeholders.
More info HERE
Please contact: James Applegate Team Leader Empowering Communities Network email: japplegate@grd.ie phone: 0871684508
LEVEL 1: online child protection in sport, basic awareness course (3 hours).
Suitable for everyone involved in children's sport.
LEVEL 2: online course for Club Children's Officers. (3 hours).
Participants must have completed Safeguarding 1 before attending.
LEVEL 3: online course for Designated Liaison Person's .
Participants must have completed Safeguarding 1 before attending.
Different dates available. Cost is €20.00 per workshop.
More info HERE
The Wheel Members - Training
Community Groups can sign up with The Wheel to access their free training/services. Information on Trainings available at https://www.wheel.ie/training
FREE Digital Literacy Courses with NCBI
Dereck Carolan, technology Trainer for NCBI, can help and support communities, specifically people with low sight or no sight and their families. Website: https://www.ncbi.ie/supporting-you/technology/ncbi-labs/ Services Offered • Group training courses, projects, and talks that will enable the low-vision and no-vision community to access their local area. • Technology assessments and demonstrations. • Technology clubs and webinars. To discuss further how we can work together moving forward. Please feel free to contact: dereck.carolan@ncbi.ie or 086 608 6771.
Information on Springboard Courses
www.springboardcourses.ie providing 11,000 free or heavily subsidised college courses for unemployed, self-employed or returners to work. Courses are free for the unemployed, previously self-employed and returners to the workforce. For others, 90 per cent of the course fee is funded by the Government, with participants required to contribute just 10 per cent of the fee. Helpline – 1800 303 523
The Department of Rural and Community Development (responsible for the PPN) provides training resources for PPNs. Check out slides on Strategic Planning HERE
PPN Stakeholders Training
The online only self-paced training videos programme for PPN stakeholders has been developed with SJI. Registrations for the online only training is now open. Social Justice Ireland is providing this training on behalf of the Department of Rural and Community Development.
Social Justice Ireland will provide some support via the webform on each Module page. There are no scheduled classes as part of this training.
This training is available to the following PPN Stakeholders: - PPN Workers - PPN Secretariat Members - PPN Representatives - PPN Member Groups - Local Authority Staff - Elected Councillors
To register, please complete the Registration Form at the following link: Register for Training | Social Justice Ireland
Las Suas Maigh Cuilinn Coisir Nollaig
Dé Céadaoin 18 Nollaig 2024
Tacaíocht do thionscadail aon uaire sna hEalaíona Dúchasacha agus/nó sa Drámaíocht/Amharclannaíocht don Óige trí mheán na Gaeilge sa Ghaeltacht. Tuilleadh eolais agus feidhmchlár ANSEO
Is é an dáta deiridh chun iarratais chomhlánaithe a fháil ná 24ú Eanáir 2025 at 4pm
Tá iarratais ar mhaoiniú á lorg ó Ghrúpaí Pobail agus Deonacha i dtreo ghníomhaíochtaí agus imeachtaí a bheidh chun leasa phobail áitiúla ar fud an chontae agus a thacóidh le forbairt inbhuanaithe eacnamaíochta, phobail, agus chultúir. Scéim Tacaíochta d’Fhorbairt Eacnamaíochta: Imeachtaí agus Féilte Turasóireachta; Tionscnaimh Forbartha Eacnamaíochta. Scéim Tacaíochta d’Fhorbairt Pobail: Taitneachachtaí Pobail; Gníomhaíochtaí na mBailte Slachtmhara i Spásanna Poiblí. Scéim Tacaíochta d’Fhorbairt Chultúir: Deontais faoin Acht Ealaíon; Deontais Oidhreachta; Gníomhaíochtaí Bolscaireachta ar son na Gaeilge. Féadfaidh iarratasóirí uasmhéid d’iarratas amháin in aghaidh gach Scéime Tacaíochta a chur isteach. Ba cheart d’iarratasóirí cur isteach ar ár gcóras deontas ar líne ag https://galwaycoco.submit.com/ is moite d’iarratais ar dheontais le haghaidh Gníomhaíochtaí Bolscaireachta ar son na Gaeilge atá ar fáil ó gaeilge@cocogaillimh.ie
Glao Oscailte Éire Ildánach 2025: Iarratas
Is é an dáta deiridh chun iarratais chomhlánaithe a fháil ná 24ú Eanáir 2025 at 4pm
Is é príomhchuspóir an glao oscailte seo deis a thabhairt do Ghrúpaí Pobail, eagraíochtaí, ionaid, ealaíontóirí, taibheoirí agus gach duine a bhfuil baint acu le hearnálacha an chultúir agus na cruthaitheachta tionscadail/cláir ardchaighdeáin a fhorbairt a chuireann ar chumas grúpaí agus daoine aonair a gcumas iomlán a bhaint amach agus a spreagann rochtain, eolas agus tuiscint níos fearr ar na healaíona, na tionscail chruthaitheacha, an oidhreacht agus an Ghaeilge. Spreagaimid pobail chun dul i ngleic leis an gcruthaitheacht ar bhealaí nua agus nuálacha. Fáiltímid roimh iarratais ó ghrúpaí nach raibh baint acu le Clár Éire Ildánach roimhe seo. Tuilleadh eolais ag https://galwaycoco.submit.com/show/85
Beidh Seisiúin Faisnéise Ar Líne ar siúl Déardaoin 9 Eanáir ag 1pm agus 7pm agus Déardaoin 16 Eanáir ag 1pm agus 7pm. Chun clárú cuir ríomhphost chuig creativeireland@galwaycoco.ie
Gradaim na Seachtaine Oidhreachta Náisiúnta: Grúpa Oidhreachta Baile an Mhuilinn National Heritage Week Awards: Milltown Heritage Group
Tá áthas agus onóir ar Ghrúpa Oidhreachta Baile an Mhuilinn an dara háit i gcatagóir na Gaeilge a fháil i nGradaim na Seachtaine Náisiúnta Oidhreachta i mbliana. Ag cur san áireamh go bhfuil ár ngrúpa i gceantar lasmuigh den Ghaeltacht, is éacht suntasach é seo i gcur chun cinn na Gaeilge. Maith sibh gach duine a bhí páirteach in eagrú agus tacú lenár n-imeacht: Harmony and Heritage: A Milltown Ómós. Tá roinnt grianghraf agus físeán den lá foilsithe anois ar ár suíomh Gréasáin www.milltown.galwaycommunityheritage.org
Milltown Heritage Group are thrilled and honoured to receive the runner's up spot in the Irish Language category in this year's National Heritage Week Awards. Considering our group is in a non Gaeltacht area, this is a significant achievement in the promotion of the Irish language. Well done to all involved in organising and supporting our event: Harmony and Heritage: A Milltown Tribute. Some photographs and videos of the day are now published on our website www.milltown.galwaycommunityheritage.org
Geopháirc Dhúiche Sheoigheach agus Lochanna an Iarthair
A chairde
Ar chuala sibh faoin Gheopháirc Dhúiche Sheoigheach agus Lochanna an Iarthair ? Ar mhaith leat níos mó eolais a fháil agus fanacht ceangailte le foghlaim faoina ghníomhaíochtaí ? Is féidir leat a shuíomh Gréasáin agus a chainéal meán sóisialta a sheiceáil (féach an póstaer ceangailte) nó clárú go díreach dá nuachtlitir ráithiúil ag baint úsáide as an nasc thíos: https://joycecountrygeoparkproject.ie/ga/subscribe/
Is féidir rochtain ar gach eagrán dár nuachtlitreacha roimhe seo sa dá theanga ag: https://joycecountrygeoparkproject.ie/ga/nuachtlitir/
Age Friendly Ireland is the organisation responsible for the national Age Friendly Programme, affiliated to the World Health Organization’s Global Network of Age Friendly Cities and Communities.
Age Friendly Galway County is delivered by Galway County Council and works to improve the services and facilities that our older people have identified as being important to them, and the wider community, as they live healthy and active lives.
Info on the Galway County Council website HERE
More info on Age Friendly Galway County HERE
Ombudsman Monthly Complaints Clinic in Galway
The Ombudsman can investigate complaints from people who are not happy with how they have been treated by certain public service providers. https://www.ombudsman.ie/publications/information-leaflets/what-the-ombudsman-does/
You can make complaint to the Ombudsman:
Online: Visit www.ombudsman.ie and click on ‘Make A Complaint’
In writing: Ombudsman, 6 Earlsfort Terrace, Dublin 2, D02 W773.
Ombudsman staff will be also taking complaints in person at Galway 'Complaints Clinic': Galway Citizens Information Centre.
Tuesday 26th November 2024 from: 10.00 am to 1.00 pm and 2.00 pm to 4.00 pm. Augustine House, St. Augustine Street, Galway, H91 Y7XH. Phone: 0818 07 7600.
You must have tried to resolve your complaint with the body before contacting us.
Please bring any information with you to support your complaint such as letters, forms, or reference numbers. The Ombudsman cannot take complaints about consumer matters, financial products, private pensions or An Garda Síochána.
READ MORE AT: https://www.ombudsman.ie/about-us/outreach-services/galway-cic/index.xml
Irish Environmental Network HERE
Health and Wellbeing Newsletter HERE
MAYBE DELETE - Community and Disability Newsletter - Issue HERE
Age Friendly Newsletter HERE
ALONE is a national organisation that enables older people to age at home.
To read the latest newsletter from Alone, just click the link below and click in the top corner of the Newsletter to change the page... to read click HERE
Link to Alone website here: https://alone.ie/
Directory of Services for Older People
Galway Public Libraries - Borrow Box
If you have a library card, you can use BorrowBox to get FREE eAudiobooks to keep you company during all your Christmas shopping and gift wrapping! 🎁🎄🎅❄️⛄
Simply download the app, log in with your library barcode number and PIN and off you go!
Joyce Country and Western Lakes Geopark
From 1th to 24th December 2024
Coole Music & Arts presents its annual Musical Advent Calendar, bringing music to the community while raising funds for our Support Bursary. Sponsor a Chamber Group for €100 or an orchestra for €300. Your logo will be featured, and you can share the performance as a festive greeting. Contact Ellie on info@coole-music.com
Santa’s Christmas Magic 2024
From 7th to 22nd December 2024 - Brigits Garden - Pollagh, Rosscahill, Co. Galway
Santa and Elfeena, his musical Elf, are back at Brigit’s Garden! Experience the real wonder and magic of Christmas with our unique and very special, non-commercial Santa experience. Choose between 11:30am, 1pm and 2:30pm arrival times.
The highlight of your visit is the professional and interactive show with Santa and Elfeena – full of fun, music and Christmas magic, delightful for all ages.
More information and booking HERE: https://brigitsgarden.ie/class/santas-christmas-magic-2024/
Claregalway Christmas Market
Sunday 15th December 2024 from 11:00am to 5:00pm - The Courtyard, Claregalway shopping centre
FREE ENTRY! All proceeds raised will go to local Charities Spread some Christmas cheer while supporting local Charities!
Annual Christmas Dinner Dance
SAVE THE DATE!! Friday 20th December 2024, at 7:00pm at Leenane Hotel - Leenane Co. Galway
Move & Breathe free community social event Sunrise Solstice dip
Saturday 21st December 2024 at 9.00am - Trá Mhór beach, Inverin - Co. Galway
Move & Breathe free community social event. Sunrise Solstice dip at Trá Mhór beach Inverin at 9am (Sunrise is at 8.50am and high tide is at 9am). Please wear bright swimwear and a hat (and a float if you are swimming). Bring warm clothes and a warm drink for after your swim/dip. If you are not a regular cold water dip/swimmer please only stay in afew minutes and do not go out of your depth. If there is poor weather conditions, it will be cancelled. Keep an eye out for Community WhatsApp group for free social events.
Seeking: Irish Emigrant Letters & Memoirs from North America
Happy Holiday Season from the PPN Team!
Follow us on Social Media for the latest updates - click the round buttons below !
To submit news & info to PPN: Email ppn@galwaycoco.ie & write "PPN Newsletter" in the subject. News Submissions Deadline: One Week Before Each Newsletter Issue. Newsletters are usually issued twice a month - the week of the 1st & 15th of Each Month. What to Submit: approx. 50 words, contact info, link to read more, (optional) poster in png/jpg format. News must be relevant to PPN Members / Community Groups / Non-Profits in County Galway.
"The primary purpose of the PPN is to enable the PPN member groups to input into and have their voices heard within the formal decision-making structures of the local authority. The PPN is now the main way that local authorities connect with groups active in their area".
(PPN Handbook, 2020)
- Facilitates the participation and representation of communities.
Strengthens the capacity of community groups.
Provides information relevant to community & voluntary, environmental & social inclusion Pillars of the PPN.